Legal notice

Website: [] Website »)
Publisher of the Website: the company OLIVIO & CO, a simplified joint stock company, with a share capital of 30 000 euros, its registered office at 231 Rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris, France, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 922 273 842, VAT number:
FR37922273842 – Tel: [+33189708198] – Email: []
(« OLIVIO & CO »)
Publication Director: Mr. Xin CHENG, address [231 rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris, France]
Hosting: SHOPIFY INTERNATIONAL LTD., whose registered office is at 2nd Floor 1-2 Victoria
Buildings Haddington Road Dublin 4, D04 XN32 Ireland and whose telephone number is 1-571-409- 6451.
If you notice illegal content or abuse on the Site, you can also contact the Site host at:
The development and application maintenance of the Website are provided by: the company
SHOPIFY INTERNATIONAL LTD whose informations are provided above.
Intellectual Property Rights:
The content of the Website is protected by French and international laws relating to intellectual property. Any total or partial reproduction or representation of the content of the Website or the Terms and Conditions is strictly prohibited.
Interactive design and development: all rights acquired by OLIVIO & CO
Photos and videos: all rights acquired by OLIVIO & CO
Information regarding the use of personal data:
During the use and ordering on this Website, the personal data of the internet user will be collected and processed under the conditions described in the « Privacy Policy » available here and in the « Privacy Policy » tab of the Website.
The internet user is invited to read the « Privacy Policy » to learn more about the data collected, the purposes of the processing, the duration of storage, and the recipients of the data, as well as the rights they have (access, rectification, erasure and portability, limitation, opposition ...).
OLIVIO&CO, Data Controller - has appointed [Xin CHENG] Tel: [+33189708198] – Email:
[] as the Data Protection Officer whom the internet user can contact for any information / request regarding the processing of their personal data.
Information regarding the use of cookies:
OLIVIO&CO also uses cookies to analyse the consultation of the Website. The cookies used, their
purposes, and duration of storage are specified in the cookie usage policy available here.