Terms Of Service


The present general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter the "Terms and Conditions") aim to govern the sales made on the website: https://olivioandco.eu/ (hereinafter the "Website") between:

    • the company [OLIVIO & CO], with a capital of [30.000] euros, whose registered office is located at [231 rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris, France], and registered with the Trade and Companies Register of [Paris] under number SIREN [922 273 842], represented by [Xin CHENG], duly authorized for the purposes hereof (hereinafter the "Company"), email address: [e_service_eu@olivioandco.com]; telephone number [+33189708198], Unique Identifier: FR37 922 273 842, hereinafter the "Seller" or "we";

  • any natural person having the status of consumer within the meaning of French regulations and notably of the Consumer Code - placing an order on the Website (the "Customer" or "you"),

These Terms and Conditions are intended to govern the sale and delivery of products ordered by the Customers from the Seller via the Website.

Article 1       Definitions

The terms used below have, in the present Terms and Conditions, the following meaning:

"Account" refers to the space dedicated to the Customer associated with all the data provided by the Customer, hosted on the Website. The Account can be accessed via the Customer's login.

"Customer" refers to the Seller's co-contractor, who guarantees to have the status of consumer as defined by French law and jurisprudence. As such, it is expressly provided that the Customer is a natural person who acts for purposes which do not fall within the scope of his commercial, industrial, artisanal, liberal or agricultural activity.

"Delivery" refers to the initial presentation of the Products ordered by the Customer at the delivery address indicated during the Order.

"Login" refers to the e-mail address provided at registration and the password chosen by the Customer, required to access his/her Account on the Website.

"Order" refers to the purchase of Products by a Customer on the Website.

"Products" refers to all the products marketed by the Seller on the Website.

"Territory" refers to the territory of the European Union.

"Website" refers to the Seller’s website accessible at the following address: [https://olivioandco.eu/]

Article 2       Purpose

The present Terms and Conditions govern the sale of Products by the Seller via the Website.

The Customer is clearly informed and acknowledges that the Website is intended for consumers.

The applicable Terms and Conditions are those in force on the day of the use of the Website or the placing of the Order.

If you are a professional, you can contact us at the following address: [e_service_eu@olivioandco.com] to become aware of the conditions that apply to you.

Article 3       Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

The Customer undertakes to read these Terms and Conditions carefully and to accept them expressly, before proceeding with the payment of an Order for Products placed on the Website.

The present Terms and Conditions are referenced at the bottom of each page of the Website and are brought to your attention before the validation of your Order.

As the Terms and Conditions may evolve, the Seller undertakes to inform the Customer of any new version of the Terms and Conditions which the Customer may accept or refuse when placing an order.

By ticking the box "I declare that I have read and accept the General Terms and Conditions of Sale", the Customer acknowledges having read, understood, and accepted the Terms and Conditions without limitation or condition.

Article 4       Ordering Products on the Website

In order to purchase a Product, the Customer must be at least EIGHTEEN (18) years old and/or have legal capacity and be a consumer.

To purchase a Product on the Website, the Customer shall either create a personal account on the Website and log into their Account or purchase as a guest check-out.

To purchase a Product on the Website, the Customer shall be registered and log in to his/her Account or purchase as a guest check-out.

4.1       Registration process

All Customers have the option of registering on their first visit to the Website in order to create an Account.

The registration of a Customer automatically results in the opening of an Account in their name, from which they can track their Orders and return requests and update their personal information.

Customer registration on the Website is free of charge (excluding internet connection fees).

To create an Account, the Customer must:

  • Enter first and last names.
  • Enter an e-mail address.
  • Choose a password.

Any incomplete registration will not be finalized, which the Customer acknowledges and accepts.

The information provided by the Customer to the Seller at the time of registration must be complete, accurate, up-to-date, truthful and not misleading. In case of doubt by the Seller regarding the identity of the Customer, the Seller may request the Customer to confirm, by any appropriate means, their identity, the information provided, as well as their status as a consumer.

The information entered by Customers is binding on them as soon as it has been validated.

The Customer undertakes to update this information in his/her Account without delay in the event of modifications, so that it always corresponds to the aforementioned criteria.

The Customer's Logins are the e-mail address provided at registration, and the password.

The Customer may log in to his/her Account to change the password. Customers are advised to change their password regularly.

Customers may access their Account at any time by logging in using their Logins.

4.2       Managing Logins

The Customer is responsible for the use of their Logins or actions taken through their Account.

In the event that a Customer uses their Account in a manner contrary to its intended purpose, the Seller may, [15] days after requesting clarification from the Customer regarding the use of their Account, suspend access to the Account without further formalities or compensation until necessary verifications have been carried out.

In case of loss, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Logins, the Customer is required to notify the Seller immediately by sending an email to the following address: [e_service_eu@olivioandco.com].

4.3       Unsubscribe

The Customer may close his Account at any time by sending an e-mail to the following address: [ e_service_eu@olivioandco.com].

The Seller will deactivate the Account as soon as possible and send the Customer an e-mail confirming the closure.

In the case of pending Orders, the deletion of the Account can only be effective after their full payment and delivery to the Customer.

Article 5       Orders
5.1       Product Characteristics

The Website allows the Customer to view the product sheet of each Product.

This sheet includes the following elements:

  • photograph of the Products;
  • the name of the Product;
  • description of the Product;
  • the price including all taxes (excluding Delivery costs);
  • the different colors available for the Product;
  • the age category for which the Product is suitable;
  • the different shapes and types of lenses available;
  • details regarding the description of the Products, their composition, dimensions, and the conditions of their Delivery.

The Customer agrees to carefully read this information before placing an Order on the Website.

The Customer is reminded that the Products offered for sale on the Website are not medical devices and have not been designed to meet the needs of Customers and users requiring ophthalmological correction or protection prescribed by an ophthalmologist or any medical professional.

All Products sold by the Seller on the Website comply with current European legislation and applicable standards in France and on the Territory concerning leisure sunglasses.

The Customer will be required to carefully read the various warnings, if any, on the sheets describing the Products, especially the different usage recommendations, before proceeding with any Order.

5.2       Placing Orders

Products are ordered directly on the Website.

Selection of Products and purchase options

The Customer must select the Product(s) of their choice by clicking on the respective Product(s) and selecting any available customization options, including:

  • the desired color of the Product;
  • the age category for which the Product is suitable;
  • the shape of the Product;
  • the type of lens;
  • any accessories that may be added to the Order.

The Products must then be placed in the cart.


Once the Products are selected and placed in the cart, the Customer must click on the cart and verify that the content of their Order is correct (including the quantity, characteristics, and references of the ordered Products and the price) before validating its content.

Once the Customer has validated the contents of the cart, they must proceed to finalize the Order.

They will be offered:

  • to finalize the Order via PayPal, or
  • to fill out an online form asking them to specify/verify identification data for Delivery purposes, including: name, surname, delivery address, mobile phone number, and summarizing the price, applicable taxes, and Delivery fees.

Based on the provided Delivery information, the Customer will be offered one or more available Delivery methods for sending the Products, along with the associated cost of Delivery.

The Customer must verify/select the Delivery method.

Additionally, they will input any discount code they may have.

Once all the above-mentioned verifications have been completed and these Terms and Conditions have been accepted through the designated checkbox, the Customer can proceed to pay for the Products using the chosen payment method, following the instructions provided on the Website, and provide all necessary information for billing the Products.

Acknowledgment of Receipt

A confirmation of the Order is automatically sent to the Customer via email.

It is specified that the Order summary as well as the confirmation email can be retained and printed by the Customer and constitute evidence of the Order placement and its payment.

The Terms and Conditions and the Order confirmation will be provided to you in a durable medium, via email.

5.3       Order Date

The Order date is the date the Seller acknowledges receipt of the Order online. The deadlines indicated on the Website only start to run from this date.

5.4       Price

For all Products, the Customer will find prices displayed on the Website in euros VAT included.

The applicable prices are those displayed online on the Website at the time of Order validation. Any Delivery charges are not included in the price of the Products and will be specified prior to the final validation of the Order.

5.5       Availability of Products

The unavailability of a Product is indicated on the page of the relevant Product.

In any case, if the unavailability was not indicated at the time of the Order, the Seller undertakes to inform the Customer without delay to allow them to proceed:

  • either, if restocking of the Product is possible, to a postponement of the shipment of the Order after restocking of said Product,
  • or to a substitution of the unavailable Product with a Product of equivalent value,
  • or to a cancellation of the Order and refund of the concerned Product.

If the Customer decides to cancel their Order for unavailable Products, they will receive a refund of all amounts paid for the unavailable Products no later than fourteen (14) days following the date on which the contract was terminated.

Article 6       Online Reviews

The review of the Product will be visible on the Product sheet and on the homepage of the Website.

As part of the online reviews posted on the Website, the Seller expressly commits to providing users with loyal, clear, and transparent information on the publication and processing modalities of the reviews posted online. To this end, the Seller commits, in particular, to display the date of the review and its possible updates.

The Seller may moderate the reviews based on the following criteria:

  • relevance: reviews should be relevant to the product being reviewed;
  • accuracy: reviews should be factually accurate and truthful;
  • language and tone: reviews shall not be defamatory, insulting, degrading or disparaging.
  • authenticity: may verify the authenticity of reviews to ensure they are written by genuine customers who have purchased and used the product.
  • spam and promotional content: reviews should not contain spam, promotional material, or links to external websites. Sellers may moderate reviews that appear to be spammy or overly promotional.
  • conflict of interest: sellers may moderate reviews from individuals who have a conflict of interest, such as employees, competitors, or individuals who have been compensated for their review.

The Seller may classify the online reviews published according to the following criteria:

  • the date of the review and the date of each of its updates;
  • the date of the experience concerned by the review.

In the event of control exercised over reviews, the Seller undertakes to ensure that the processing of personal data carried out in this context complies with the law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files, and freedoms as amended, and with the GDPR.

No compensation is provided by the Seller in exchange for the submission of a Customer review. The maximum publication period of a review is [14] days. The maximum retention period of a review on the Website is [365] days.

Subsequently, and in the event of a relevant report, the Seller undertakes to delete a review to the extent that it does not comply with these Terms and Conditions and/or contains injurious, defamatory, racist, or unlawful content.

Article 7       Right of Withdrawal

7.1 The Customer has a withdrawal period of fourteen (14) days from the receipt of any Product ordered on the Website, except for those falling within a category mentioned in Article 7.3. The Customer does not need to provide any particular reason or pay any penalties. In the event of Delivery of an Order comprising multiple Products delivered in separate shipments, the withdrawal period starts from the receipt of the last Product of the delivered Order.

7.2 To exercise your right of withdrawal, the Customer must:

  • Send their request to the Seller electronically: [e_service_eu@olivioandco.com]. For this purpose, you may use the withdrawal form attached below or any other document of your choice containing all the information present on the withdrawal form below;
  • Return the concerned product to the address indicated by the Seller within fourteen (14) days from exercising your right of withdrawal. The Product must be returned in its original packaging, unsealed, unopened, or used, intact, and ready for resale;
  • In case of exercising the right of withdrawal, the Seller will refund to the Customer all sums paid concerning the Product subject to the right of withdrawal (excluding return costs which remain your responsibility) using the same payment method as used to place the Order (unless you expressly agree to another payment method and provided that the refund does not incur any costs for you). This refund will be made no later than fourteen (14) days from the date you returned the concerned product. If you have not received your refund in the above-mentioned delay, please contact us with the tracking information pertaining to thereturned parcel so we might investigate and try to locate the package.
  • We are only able to refund items purchased from https://olivioandco.eu/. Olivio&Co products purchased from other retailers should be returned to them directly.

7.3 In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code, the following products cannot be subject to a right of withdrawal:

  • Products liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly;
  • Products that have been unsealed after Delivery and cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection;
  • Products made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized;
  • Products whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial market beyond the Seller's control and which may occur during the withdrawal period.
Article 8       Payment
8.1       Payment Methods

The Customer can pay for their Products online on the Website using the means offered by the Seller, namely:

The Customer guarantees to the Seller that they have all the necessary authorizations to use the chosen payment method.

The Seller will take all necessary measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of data transmitted online for online payment on the Website.

It is hereby clarified that all payment-related information provided on the Website is transmitted to the Website’s bank and is not processed on the Website.

8.2       Payment Date

When paying by credit & debit cards, Apple Pay, Shop Pay and PayPal, the Customer's account will be debited upon placing the Order for Products on the Website.

If the Customer decides to cancel their Order for unavailable Products, the refund will be made in accordance with the last paragraph of Article 5.5 of these Terms and Conditions.

8.3       Payment Refusal

In the event that, for any reason whatsoever, opposition, refusal, or otherwise, the payment by the Customer proves impossible, the Order would be canceled, and the sale automatically terminated.

Article 9       Delivery

The delivery terms of the Products are outlined in the "Delivery Policy" referred to in Annex 2 of these Terms and Conditions.

Article 10       Legal Guarantees

The Seller is responsible for product non-conformity defects under the conditions of Articles L.217-3 et seq. of the Consumer Code and hidden defects in the sold item under the conditions provided for in Articles 1641 et seq. of the Civil Code.

Any request made under the legal guarantees must be sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the Seller's headquarters, as mentioned above.

The consumer has a period of two years from the delivery of the goods to obtain the implementation of the legal guarantee of conformity in the event of a conformity defect. During this period, the consumer is only required to prove the existence of the conformity defect and not its date of occurrence.

When the sales contract of the goods provides for the provision of digital content or digital service continuously for a period exceeding two years, the legal guarantee applies to this digital content or digital service throughout the planned provision period. During this period, the consumer is only required to prove the existence of the conformity defect affecting the digital content or digital service and not its date of occurrence.

The legal guarantee of conformity entails an obligation for the professional, if necessary, to provide all necessary updates to maintain the conformity of the goods.

The legal guarantee of conformity entitles the consumer to repair or replacement of the goods within thirty days following their request, at no cost and without major inconvenience to them.

f the goods are repaired under the legal guarantee of conformity, the consumer benefits from a six-month extension of the initial warranty

If the consumer requests repair of the goods, but the seller insists on replacement, the legal guarantee of conformity is renewed for a period of two years from the date of replacement of the goods.

The consumer may obtain a price reduction for the purchase by retaining the goods or terminate the contract and receive a full refund upon returning the goods if:

1° The professional refuses to repair or replace the goods;

2° Repair or replacement of the goods takes place after thirty days;

3° Repair or replacement of the goods causes major inconvenience to the consumer, especially when the consumer permanently bears the costs of resuming or removing the non-conforming goods, or if the consumer bears the costs of installing the repaired or replacement goods;

4° The non-conformity of the goods persists despite the unsuccessful attempt by the seller to bring the goods into conformity.

The consumer also has the right to a price reduction of the goods or termination of the contract when the non-conformity is so serious that it justifies immediate price reduction or contract termination. The consumer is not required to request repair or replacement of the goods beforehand.

The consumer is not entitled to terminate the sale if the non-conformity is minor.

Any immobilization period of the goods for repair or replacement suspends the remaining warranty until the delivery of the restored goods.

The rights mentioned above result from the application of Articles L. 217-1 to L. 217-32 of the Consumer Code.

The seller who obstructs in bad faith the implementation of the legal guarantee of conformity is liable to a civil fine of a maximum amount of 300,000 euros, which may be increased up to 10% of the average annual turnover (Article L. 241-5 of the Consumer Code).

The consumer also benefits from the legal warranty for hidden defects in accordance with Articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code, for a period of two years from the discovery of the defect. This warranty entitles to a price reduction if the goods are retained or a full refund upon return of the goods.

For any additional information regarding legal guarantees, you can contact the Seller by mail, email, or phone using the contact information mentioned above.

In case of confirmation by the Seller of the product's acceptance under the legal guarantee resulting in repair or replacement of the non-compliant product, you must return the product to the Seller for compliance, by postal mail - Colissimo, said return being carried out and borne by the parties in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.217-4 and following, D.217-1, L.241-6 and following of the Consumer Code. In this regard, the Seller will be required to reimburse you for the shipping costs of the product for compliance within fourteen days at the latest from the day you are informed of the product's acceptance under the legal guarantee. The amount due for this purpose is automatically increased by 10% if the reimbursement occurs no later than fourteen days after this deadline, by 20% up to thirty days, and by 50% thereafter.

Article 11       Personal data

The Seller collects personal data concerning its Customers on the Website as part of managing information requests, managing and monitoring Accounts and contracts, managing Orders and Product Deliveries, managing payment, ensuring the proper functioning and continuous improvement of the Website, managing requests for rights under the GDPR, and, if the Customer has expressly chosen this option, sending newsletters and commercial offers, unless the Customer no longer wishes to receive such communications from the Seller.

In this regard, the Customer is invited to consult the Seller's Privacy Policy accessible at the following link, which will provide them with further information regarding the protection of personal data, the processing carried out via the Website, and the procedures for exercising rights.

Article 12       Intellectual Property

All visual and sound elements of the Website, including the underlying technology used, are protected by copyright, trademark, and/or patents.

Any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, of the Website and its content – including these Terms and Conditions, by any means whatsoever, without the prior express authorization of the Seller, is prohibited and will constitute infringement punishable by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.

Article 13       Modification of the Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to all Orders placed online on the Website, as long as the Website is available online.

The Terms and Conditions are precisely dated and may be modified and updated by the Seller at any time. The applicable Terms and Conditions are those in effect at the time of the Order.

Changes made to the Terms and Conditions will not apply to Products already purchased.

Article 14       Complaints and Customer Services

The Seller provides the Customer with a "Customer Telephone Service" at the following number: [+33189708198] (non-premium rate number) available from [10am to 5PM Monday to Friday].

Any written complaint from the Customer must be sent by mail to the following address at [231 rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris], or by email to the following address: [e_service_eu@olivioandco.com].

Prior to any recourse, the Customer is invited to contact the Seller's complaints department.

Article 15       Jurisdiction and Applicable Law:

The Customer may resort to a Consumer Mediator, under the conditions provided for in articles L.611-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code. To this end, the Seller has chosen AME CONSO. In the event of a dispute, you can submit your complaint:

Furthermore, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013, the European Commission has established an Online Dispute Resolution platform, facilitating the independent out-of-court resolution of online disputes between consumers and professionals in the European Union. This platform is accessible at the following link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/.

The party wishing to initiate the mediation process must first inform the other party by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, indicating the elements of the conflict.

As mediation is not mandatory, the Customer or the Seller may withdraw from the process at any time.

In the event that mediation fails or is not considered, the dispute that may have been subject to mediation will be referred to the competent court.


Please contact orders_eu@olivioandco.com to obtain the form.

Delivery Zone:

The Products offered can only be delivered within the Territory.

It is impossible to place an Order for any Delivery address outside of this Territory.

The Products are shipped to the Delivery address(es) that the Customer has provided during the ordering process.

Preparation and Shipping Time:

The timeframes for preparing an order and generating the invoice before shipping the products in stock are stated on the Website. These timeframes exclude weekends or holidays.

An email will be automatically sent to the Customer at the time of Product shipment, provided that the email address provided in the registration form is correct.

Delivery Times & Costs:

During the ordering process, the Seller indicates to the Customer the possible delivery times and options for the purchased Products. Shipping costs are calculated based on the Delivery method, package weight, and Delivery address.

The amount of these costs will be due by the Customer in addition to the price of the purchased Products. The details of Delivery times and costs are outlined on the Website.

The Customer is duly informed that any delivery made outside of the EU (such as – but not limited to - delivery in the United Kingdom or Switzerland) may be subject to additional taxes and/or costs and/or service fees which amount may vary depending on the total amount of the order as well as the place of delivery.

Such additional taxes and/or costs and/or service fees shall be borne by the Customers which remain the sole person responsible regarding restrictions, duties, taxes, and other fees collected within the delivery country.

Moreover, if the Customer – once the delivery reached its destination – refuses the parcel or fails to pay the additional taxes and/or costs and/or service fees, OLIVIO & CO shall be entitled to abandon the parcel delivered.

Order Tracking

Customer will receive a shipment confirmation email once the order has shipped containing the tracking number(s).

Delivery Methods:

The following Delivery methods are available:


Standard home delivery

Express home delivery

Free Shipping (Standard delivery)


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 2 working days)

16 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 2 working days)


(Delivery time: 2 working days


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 5 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 2 working days)

27€ (Delivery time:2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

21 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

16 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

16 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 5 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 5 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

16 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 5 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 4 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 5 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 4 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 2 working days)

16 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 5 working days)

21 € (Delivery time : 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 5 working days)

16 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 5 working days)

27 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 2 working days)


Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

21 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

21 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 5 working days)

21 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

21 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

21 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

21 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 5 working days)

27 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

21 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€


4.9€ or free shipping

(Delivery time: 3 working days)

27 € (Delivery time: 2 working days)

Orders over 69€

The parcel will be handed to the Customer upon signature and presentation of identification.

In case of absence, a notice of passage will be left for the Customer to pick up the parcel at their post office.

Delivery Issues:

In the event of the Seller’s failure to fulfill its delivery obligation, the Customer may invoke Article L. 216-6 of the Consumer Code, which provides for the possibility:

  • to notify the suspension of payment of all or part of the price until the Seller fulfills its obligations, under the conditions of Articles 1219 and 1220 of the Civil Code;
  • to terminate the contract, if after putting the Seller in formal notice to perform the delivery within a reasonable additional period, the latter has not complied within this period.

The contract is considered terminated upon receipt by the Seller of the letter or writing informing them of this resolution, unless the Seller has performed in the meantime.

The Customer can also immediately terminate the contract (without notice):

  • when the professional refuses to deliver the Product or when it is obvious that they will not deliver the purchased goods;
  • when the professional does not fulfill its obligation to deliver the Product on the date or upon the expiration of the period provided for in Article L. 216-1 of the Consumer Code, and this date or period constitutes an essential condition of the contract for the Customer. This essential condition arises from the circumstances surrounding the conclusion of the contract or from an express request by the Customer before the conclusion of the contract.

When the contract is terminated under the aforementioned conditions, the Seller refunds the Customer the full amount paid, no later than FOURTEEN (14) days following the date on which the contract was terminated.